This is my friend and mentor Craig Ballantyne. I meet with him and several other amazing fitness pros a few times a year.
I work directly with CB (Craig) with my Challenge Workouts program. I’ve learned a ton from him and I’m happy to be able to share my good fortune with you.
He’s given my readers a special offer that’s directed specifically for you. You see he’s not a big fan of long, slow cardio either, and together we’re trying to educate people on the most effective ways to lose fat and look great – no matter what age you are.
He’s put together a $7 deal with three of his favorite programs for women:
He knows that some women don’t want to hit a dirty, stinky gym or lift massive amounts of weights. He understands your reservations about getting bulky. He knows that women have limited time, space and resources when it comes to fitness.
That’s why he creates programs, similar to mine in that you can do them at home with a minimal amount of equipment.
You know I don’t push a ton of things on you. I only recommend what I’d use myself and this is one of them. And seriously, for $7, I’d be re-miss for not telling you about this, it’s less than the cost of a fancy coffee and a fitness mag that has many ‘done for you but won’t work’ solutions.
You can pick up Craig’s $7 offer here, but it’s a limited time offer, so make sure you get it before he takes the page down.