My pal, Mike Whitfield has some awesome little circuits for you to do at home, on holidays or where you find yourself.
Mike has lost a total of 105 lbs now doing what he calls ‘workout finishers‘. He uses them at the END of his workout to totally toast himself. He does these instead of steady state cardio (low intensity, boring stuff) and he even replaces HIIT (high intensity interval training) with workout finishers.
See the videos at the end of this post as examples of non-boring fat blasters.
You have to try this tough and challenging 165-rep metabolic finisher that Mike Whitfield put together. He also has some tweaks you can make to your workout program to get better results.
3 Tweaks for Better Results
Mike Whitfield, CTT
Author: Workout Finishers
You may think that if you’re not getting results from your workout and nutrition program, you should start a whole new approach. But you can actually make small tweaks, I’ve done it for myself as well as for my clients and boot campers.
Tweak # 1 – Switch to Single Limb Exercises
What this means is to switch from the squat to the Bulgarian squat or split squat. It’s more “taxing” on the system, taking more calories to recover from.
Tweak # 2 – Use Density Circuits
I love using density circuits with workouts. They challenge you and you get more volume in less time. For example, set up a circuit of Squats, Rows and DB Chest Presses. Do as many rounds of 8 reps of each exercise in 10 minutes.
Tweak # 3 – Incorporate Metabolic Workout Finishers to Your Program
Metabolic finishers can jump start any fat loss program and help you smack a plateau in the face. Don’t think you have to spend an extra 30 minutes to complete a finisher, either. They are relatively short (some of them take only 2 minutes), so it’s time well invested.
Finishers combine the conditioning effects of interval training and the metabolic effects of strength training into one intense “mini-workout”. Say goodbye to cardio, and even intervals after your workout. An example is the following:
Do the following superset, resting as little as possible. In the first superset, you will peform 10 reps of each exercise. In the next superset, you will perform 9 reps. Continue in this fashion until you complete 1 rep of each exercise.
1A) Lunge Jumps (10 ea leg, 9 ea leg, etc., etc. down to 1 ea)
1B) Pushups (10, 9, etc., etc. down to 1)
This workout finisher only takes minutes, is very metabolically demanding and utilizes calories (aka belly fat) to recover, which means you lose more fat in less time.
And if you want the rest of the program, you can get it from the 40 Workout Finishers manual, along with Bodyweight Finishers and Cardio Addiction Finishers for just $19.99.
That’s the best deal on this unique method EVER.
Get the entire Metabolic Finisher Program here.
Use these tweaks to get better results.
Mike Whitfield CTT
Oh, you also need to see Mike’s before/after photos. He lost 105 lbs. Here he is with more cool finishers for you…
The Decline of the Bulgarians:
8 reps of Bulgarian Split squat
8 reps decline push up
Count down 8 to 1 rep
Increase intensity by adding a jump to the Bulgarian split squat and by doing a narrow hand position for the decline push up. For crazy intensity, add the spiderman push up to the decline push up.
To decrease intensity, do a split squat (don’t elevate your back foot) and add a regular or modified push up or incline push up.
Don’t let this serious side of Mike fool you, he’s all out crazy most of the time…he fooled my friend Sylvia and me into doing this silly finisher for a video:
Can you see why I love Big Mike? He’s a calorie free sweet and salty loveable combination.
Here’s what happens when Bert and Ernie use finishers:
And on a more serious note, here’s the ‘Lunges and Lungs Finisher’:
Lunge walk
Sprint 30 seconds
Rest 30 seconds
Mike is a stud, he knows what he’s talking about and if he can lose 105 lbs with finishers, so can you.
Get the entire Metabolic Finisher Program here.