It’s My Party, And I’ll Flash If I Want To…

Fashion Flash, that is. 😉 Here’s the link so you can check out the coolest blogs for women: CLICK HERE.

After watching a Gweneth Paltrow exercise video, Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog asks what are the best credentials for a fitness trainer?

With color blocking or solids with a hint of feminine embellishment, plus size tunics are the perfect on trend item this Spring!

What’s one of the best ways for a woman over 40 to wear spring’s bold new colors without going overboard? The Glam Gals have the solution at Fabulous After 40.

Need a yummy healthy afternoon pick-me-up and tired of those high-calorie coffee drinks that are packing on the pounds? Check out Staness’ – creator of the Menopause Makeover – matcha green tea latte recipe – delicious! One cup is equivalent to 10 cups of green tea, can lower your cholesterol, boost your metabolism, and loaded with antioxidants.

Can’t get out for a workout? No problem! Here’s an awesome home workout that Female Fat Loss Over 40 Expert (ME!), Shawna K, actually did in an airport.

Knowing what to use and how to take care of our skin can be daunting. Fab Over Forty reviews the book Skin Rules, which gives us all the answers.

Could drinking in moderation actually be good for you? Jackie Silver from investigates. That glass of wine just might be the “New Apple a Day.”

Glitter for grownups–FabOverFifty shows you how to snag this Fashion Week trend.

And une femme’s contribution to the conversation: Does softer workwear work for you?
Hope this gets your week off to a fabulous start!