Fashion Flash!

Check out all my cool blogging friends here.

To wash or not to wash? Jackie Silver from Aging Backwards, along with Chicago hair expert Sanda Petrut, answer the age old question about what to do with Day Old Hair (DOH).


Sick of having a ho-hum wardrobe and want to dress super stylish in 2012? Then check out these style tips from The Glam Gals at Fabulous after 40!


Tired of blow dryers that either scorch your hair or don’t dry enough? Check out Fab Over Forty for her favorite Solano hair dryer that actually works!


Want your legs to be short-ready by spring? Try these top leg toning exercises with Female Fat Loss Over 40 Expert, (me!) Shawna K.


Deb of No-Nonsense Beauty Blog looks into exercise for firm upper arms.


Black Cat Plus helps you have fun in the sun this winter by selecting the appropriate plus size swimsuit for your shape.


After her cancer diagnosis, this top beauty blogger revamped her beauty routine. Should you do the same? Find out at Faboverfifty.