Be warned, I’m going to bribe you here, so keep an eye out.
I hope you find the content on the blog helpful.
My goal is to meet your needs. 
Make sure you let me know what I can do to help you with your fitness and fat loss challenges because when you do, other ladies benefit as well.
My goal is to reach and empower as many women in their 40’s as I can. There’s nothing better than feeling good in your own skin, and if I can help even one woman do this, my efforts are worthwhile.
Here’s where we can work together to empower more women just like us:
1. Tell your friends about me. Share your favorite blogs on Facebook, Twitter and (heaven forbid!) in person.
2. Send me a testimonial of how my blog has helped you with your fitness and fat loss journey along with a picture of you. Send to:
Okay, so this part is more for me…but this next part is more for you:
3. After you’ve emailed me with your testimonial and picture (btw, I don’t need to use your last name), let’s get on a call and discuss your three most pressing and challenging issues so I can steer you in the right direction.
Easy enough?
I’d love to hear from you, better yet, I’m looking forward to talking to you on a private call. (Make sure you give me your phone number and a good time to call in your email as well.)
Talk soon!