Supplements for Female Fat Loss Over 40

Here’s me and my good friend Rob King at our last big conference:

Rob has been in the fitness industry for many years and has a ton of knowledge in so many areas. I got him to share a bit of info with you about supplements. I want to remind you that we’ve provided links to products, but that I don’t benefit from your purchasing them. I know that you’d be asking where to purchase and this is just one way.

Take it away Rob:

I get asked a lot of questions in my business and the one I get asked the most is always about fat loss.

Everyone it seems wants to lose fat!  Everywhere you turn you are being bombarded with the latest and greatest fat burners on the market.

For the record there fat burners/metabolism enhancers that do work, however there is a catch to this. Once you stop using them your fat burning results will stop.

Products like these I consider to be more of a band aid solution to fat loss, and as well there are many other Supplements that can help fat loss AND improve your health & fitness.

The main three Supplements I recommend are Fish Oils, BCAA’s, & Green Tea Supplements.

Fish Oil has numerous benefits along with aiding in fat loss, such benefits include :

Anti Inflammation
Improved Skin
Improved Brain Function
Improved Blood Sugar Response
Fat Loss (Let’s not forget about that one!)

With Fish Oils I always recommend you get a QUALITY brand.  I know a lot of people love buying the lower cost Cost-Co brands etc, but I would personally caution to stay away from the lower cost ones.  I have ready too many bad things about them.

I highly recommend Nutra-Sea fish oil

This is available through my online store by clicking -> or you can check out their official page (

BCAA’s are one supplement I think everyone should take along with Fish Oils.  The benefits are just too many to pass up.

BCAA’s do the following and more

Improved Muscle Recovery
Improved Performance (Endurance & Weight lifting)
Reduction of DOMS (Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness)
Helps build lean muscle (Which helps keep the metabolism revved up!)

One thing about BCAA’s is that you will hardly be sore again.  This makes training often much easier.

I am a big believer in the Philosophy “Train More, Eat More” and BCAA’s help you train more via improved recovery.

I recommend a product called “Xtend” from Scivation Supplements.

Xtend can be found by clicking here.

Finally the last product I think can really benefit you is green tea.

Green tea can be taken via the Tea itself or via Supplement, but I personally prefer drinking the tea.

Some of the benefits of Green Tea are :

– Improved Fat Loss
High Anti-Oxidants
Improved Brain Function
Reduce Blood Pressure

And much much more!

As you can see from above there are numerous health benefits with using Fish Oils, BCAA’s & Green Tea Supplements.

I suggest you add them into your “Grocery Budget” as I consider them essential, and once you start using them you will as well!

Shawna here again. Rob is a wealth of information. If you’re looking for a great nutrition/supplement book, you can check his out here.