What can I do to firm my butt with an old towel?

You’d be surprised what you can do for your butt, hamstrings and inner thighs with an old towel.

I love using gliders or my Valslides in boot camp, but many of you don’t have access to them. And to be honest, for home use, I often will just use an old towel or even furniture movers.

Check out the form on the exercises in the video:

To make a great circuit, do the following:

Use a a timer: 30 sec of work, 5 seconds to switch:

30 sec reverse lunge right

30 sec reverse pulsing lunge right

30 sec skipping (or other cardio move like speed skater lunge jumps)

30 sec reverse lunge left

30 sec reverse pulsing lunge left

30 sec skipping (or other cardio move like speed skater lunge jumps)

30 sec lateral lunge right

30 sec lateral lunge left

30 sec skipping (or other cardio move like speed skater lunge jumps)
