Protein Pancakes?

My most ‘experienced’ boot camper, Sharon, shared this recipe with me and it sounded so good I thought I’d pass it on. I haven’t tried it yet, but it’s definitely on my ‘to try’ list!

(recipe makes 2 good-sized pancakes-enough for 1 person.  Can easily be doubled, tripled etc.)
1/3 cp cottage cheese                       3 TBS Whole Wheat flour
1 egg                                               1 tsp. baking powder
Combine, cook 3 minutes each side.  Serve with berries and yogurt.

Want some more super cool breakfast ideas? Go to my online magazine!

By the way, I have to give a ‘shout out’ to Sharon as one super lady! I’ve actually known her for onwards of 15 years and she’s been a long time boot camper. When I say she’s ‘experienced’ this is my nice way of saying that she has a few years on her, but you’d never know it. Her secret to success in boot camp is that she knows how to pace herself and modify exercises. I love the fact that she listens to her body. She does her own thing sometimes, but always keeps moving and never says ‘die’. She is an example to show that you can always train even with an ache or pain here and there.