Summer Shorts? Leg Toning Mini Workout

Who wants to be wearing shorts this summer? It’s not too late to tone up those legs! Here’s a quick and easy, well, not easy to do, but easy to follow mini leg workout.


Use the audio program from Female Fat Loss Over 40, or a timer of some sort:


20/10 timed set:


Do 20 seconds of reverse lunge with the left leg. Follow with 10 seconds of squats.

Do 20 seconds of reverse lunge with the right leg. Follow with 10 seconds of squats.

Do 20 seconds of reverse lunge/hold with the left leg. Follow with 10 seconds of pulsing squats.

Do 20 seconds of reverse lunge/hold with the right leg. Follow with 10 seconds of pulsing squats.

Reverse lunge
prisoner squat

Repeat this sequence twice through for a total of 4 minutes. Rest one minute and repeat.


This is a 9 minute leg liquidizer.


Follow this with this high intensity interval:


Do 20 seconds of prisoner squats. Follow with 10 seconds of squat jumps.

Squat jump 1
squat jump 2

Repeat this 8 times for 4 minutes of ‘fun’! Your legs will look better than ever in no time.