Shari may not consider herself to be an inspiration, but she is an amazing woman. She is a dedicated boot camper with a toddler at home. As you can see, she is due at any moment with her second child (well, she has a bit of time left). Shari’s pregnancy didn’t slow her down much in boot camp. In fact, she even took nearly 30 seconds off her mile time today.
Wow, Shari, we really are inspired by your commitment to health and exercise.
The 5:30 am camp wanted to celebrate Shari’s upcoming arrival with some gifts. Gail organized this and we were able to present her with some goodies for baby-to-be and big brother too.
We have such an amazingly supportive group that comes out to boot camp day in and day out. Thank you ladies for your kindness to each other and for making boot camp such a great place to be. (Although at 5:30 am, I can think of another great place to be-my bed! You make getting out of bed so worthwhile!)