Why reinvent the wheel? For me, I don’t enjoy financial planning and dealing with numbers. When I go to my accountant my eyes tend to glaze over. I’m so thankful that I have guidance from a trusted expert when it comes to this. In fact, there are lots of areas in life that I can use some support.

Here I am with my mentor, Bedros Keuilian (second from the left). He’s my ”other man” in California. I should add that he’s happily married to a wonderful lady and has two great kids, so he’s not ”that kind of man”. (I’ve got my own wonderful man at home!). Others in my group include Ron and Jana from Tuscon, AZ, Sidney from Ohio and Lindsay from New Jersey.
I must say that fitness is my area of expertise, but running a successful fitness business requires an entirely different skill set. Bedros provides help in this area. To me, it’s well worth the dollars spent on a mentorship program than to make costly business mistakes.
What about you? Where do you need support? If it’s in the area of health and fitness, you’re in the right place. No one can be expected to be an expert at everything. I can support you in your pursuit of a healthier lifestyle. Stay tuned for all kinds of tips and workouts on this blog and check out my e-book for support at home.
Feel free to comment on my blog. Many of you tend to email me your questions and comments. If you comment right on the blog, others can benefit from your questions (there are no dumb questions!) and my responses. What can I do as your mentor? Where do you need health and fitness related support? Let me know and I’ll so my best to help!