Use 35+ Videos to Maximize Fitness Results, Avoid Injury and Learn Precise Exercise Technique from Master Trainer Shawna K

PLUS the ‘Train Smarter Not Harder’ Report That Reveals How to Use the Exercises to Create a Personalized Fitness Plan


Best Cardio to Do in Menopause?

Feel like nothing works to reduce your increasing belly fat? Cardio *done right* can get rid of your menopause belly and visceral fat and the good news is it doesn’t take a ton of time. But it does take EFFORT. Enter SIT: sprint interval training. Here’s how to do SIT: Warm up 5 min (easy … Continued

Healthy Eating

Best Way to Handle a Binge

Blew your nutrition? It’s OKAY. The good news is you always get another chance. Don’t starve or punish yourself. Make a healthier choice the VERY NEXT meal or snack. Bump up the protein & fiber to keep you full & energized. Here are 10 snack ideas that contain at least 15g of protein & 5g … Continued


You Have Less Time Than You Think in Menopause

The danger is in thinking you have more time… The average lifespan for women is 82.6 years (Canada, 2021). At 60, you have 22 summers left… 22 Christmas’s 22 birthdays 22 years to see & do it all – if you’re lucky! It may be morbid to look at life this way, but it certainly … Continued

Q and A

Another Reason to Resistance Train in Menopause

Hot flashes? Well, if you need ANOTHER reason to resistance train, here it is… More lean muscle is shown to reduce hot flashes according to this study: How do you get more muscle? Resistance training! With declining estrogen levels in the menopause transition, both bone density and muscle mass declines. Resistance training offsets both … Continued