6 Pack Abs – Back Safe Exercises

Everyone wants a six pack right? exercise funny 6 pack

Probably the most coveted body part for men is the abdomen, and the same goes for women. Everyone would like to be beach ready – like these fellas in the picture here 😉

My Canadian friend, Rick Kaselj gives all the Challenge Workouts readers the best ab exercises to prevent back pain.


This is a great core routine to strengthen the core and the back and prevent back pain:

-do a ‘get up’ or a high plank to low plank position (5 per side)
-do a slow mountain climber (5 per side)
-T plank (10 per side)

Repeat this circuit 3-4 times

These exercises are safe for the back and targets the abs.

Find out more about keeping your back strong and healthy here.

fix my back crunch vs plank

Which is better to strengthen your abs and keep your back safe?

A crunch? A plank?

Find out here.

Happy ab training!